Monday, September 2, 2013

20 Before 20

Yesterday I turned 19, which marks the beginning of my final year as a teenager! I spent the day with friends and ended the night by watching the latest episode of Breaking Bad. What more could a birthday girl ask for?

I started my 19th year in such a positive way that I want to keep the momentum going. I want to live this year. To keep myself inspired and accountable, I'm going to copy many other bloggers by creating my own "20 Before 20" bucket list. I've come up with twenty experiences that I want to have before I turn 20 on September 1, 2014.


1. Do a handstand
This means I have to practice yoga every day!

2. Be part of a meaningful service project
I want to serve others with a project I believe in.

3. Try acupuncture
I'm curious if it will work for me.

4. Start "The Bipolar Book Club"
More information coming soon!

5. Get my driver's license

6. Read 20 books

7. Watch 20 movies

8. Join a club on campus
So far I'm thinking about Active Minds and Best Buddies.

9. Try 5 new fruits
If you know how much I hate fruit, this makes sense.

10. Perfect pad thai
I'd love to be able to make my favorite food well!

11. Write at least 52 blog posts

12. Have my first classroom teaching experience
This should happen in my STEM teaching class this semester.

13. Write to a pen-pal.
If you're interested, let me know!

14. Do 5 craft projects from Pinterest

15. Unplug for 24 hours

16. Attend a sporting event
I'll even attempt to be peppy!

17. Write a book

18. Go to California again

19. Give a meaningful gift

20. Eat a vegan diet for one month
I've tried this before, but I didn't stick with it.


I'll be documenting my attempt to conquer this list throughout the year in monthly updates. You're welcome to join me! It doesn't have to be your birthday for you to commit to new and exciting goals :)